2)Tanya diri sendiri apa yang bermain di kepala mereka...Perhubungan memerlukan penglibatan 2 orang...Save your love for someone who feels the same way about you!!!
3)Love is a peculiar thing... kalau kita benar2 cintakan seseorang,kita akan tersedar sendiri yang memang OK kalau mereka tak sukakan kita...True Love gives and expects nothing in return...sematkan dalam diri yang dia bagi saya kekuatan untuk moved on...dia bagi saya dorongan untuk mencuba something yang baru....4)For all those wondering what went wrong just stop wondering say it really aloud "HE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU...Only when one stops chasing and pursing someone who doesn't love you, will you open the door to that perfect person who will love you back with the same intensity that you will love him..
5) Ini bukan tentang melupakan seseorang,tapi yang penting kita mesti happy...kalau dia tak rasa apa yang kita rasa.....its ok.......
6)hubungan yang berjaya....perlu ada KESABARAN....untuk hubungan yang semacam ini....emmmmmm perlu fikir banyak kali samada nak teruskan MENUNGGU ataupun ANGKAT KAKI sebagai alternatif lain...
7)Destiny.....percayalah yang things happen when they are meant to be....
8)DEAL WITH REALITY....berhenti berharap...berhenti bermimpi di siang hari tentang dia....
Ask God to take this from you - and He will. Then continue to deal with reality. Don't tell yourself, maybe someday... they'll change...harap-harap lah...
9)True love accepts the person for who they are, even when they are bad and they don't love you. It means accepting reality.
When you love and accept reality at the same time, you are forced to move on.
When you deal with reality and move on without love, you take bitterness with you.
When you love without dealing with reality, you hurt yourself. Love the other person, Accept the reality and pray to God for the wisdom and strength you'll need to do that continuously until it ceases to become a problem..
10)Akan ada hari yang sangat teruk bagi kita.....rasa macam nak call...nak text dia walaupun kita tahu itu akan menyakitkan lagi kita.Dan kita sendiri pun tak tahu kenapa perlu buat begitu.....
11)Remember that life goes on... You had a life before them and you will have a happy life after them. It's up to you whether you want to keep dwelling on the past or just keep moving.
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